Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, October 31, 2024
I Came as Man, but I Am God! But You Have Not Loved Me!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on October 30, 2024

The earth is trembling, the sun will soon go out and your life with it.
Write, My daughter, write to My beloved people.
I am the Sovereign, everything belongs to Me as does your life.
I am the Creator of all things, I come to stop the oracle of evil!
I come to take everything back into Me.
Your life will be transformed in Me, your Upper Room will be in Me.
You live in the fullness of the age of evil, all things must be fulfilled, but in the end the Light will radiate from Itself all of Creation.
I have come Man, but I am God! I am your only Good, I come to show you My Charity in the infinite Love of My All. For your salvation I came down from Heaven, but you did not love Me, rather, you despised and crucified Me! My suffering was great, no one will ever understand the GIFT of Me for you!
You have given yourselves to the world, you have denied Me, not recognized Me as your only hope for life, you have died in the one who is Evil: ... Satan! You prostrate yourselves to him and follow him in My place, you have set yourselves up as gods on Earth, you have preferred to follow the laws of the Devil, you will experience on your flesh the whipping and crucifixion you have inflicted on Me your freedom you have chosen this condemnation.
The earth trembles, the sun will soon go out and your life with it.
A new sun will rise, a new life for My children, they will enjoy all My good, they will enjoy Me because I will take them in Me, in My Sacred Body I will take them.
“...give us Lord of You and we shall be saved!”
Pray and fast O men, sprinkle your heads with ashes, humble yourselves to Me, ask My forgiveness with true contrition of heart.
I love you, My children, and I will baptize you new in Me. Soon, very soon! Amen.
Source: ➥